
Errance (work in progress)

"Errance" is in progress. The final title should be Transit. This video is just a sort of editing of several sequences. The music here is not the final one. I intend to work with a sound and music composer. I still have to finish it! Should be ended in spring 2013...

Check the fundraising if you are interested to support this project. I also sell some drawings from the film on Encre sur Papier.


Fundraising for my short animated film

I created this campaign with Indiegogo for Errance (work title), my independent short animated film.
Most of my work turns around themes like sensuality, exile, dream and intimity.

Where am I in the production:
- I animated myself the 2/3 of the animation. I will be finished by may. Right now I look for collaborating with a young composer that makes sound and music for dance shows, installations and animated films.

- With your support I will be able to pay the musicians that will work for the composer, and the post-production, that will be done by May 2013.

Thank you for your support!


J'ouvre une boutique Etsy: Encre sur papier / I open a web store: Ink on Paper

Je vends essentiellement des dessins originaux à l'encre de chine et acrylique sur papier. Vous trouverez des dessins extraits de mes films d'animation comme des portraits. Pour les commandes personnalisées de portrait, vous pouvez me joindre à cette adresse courriel: lesfilmsdelencrier@gmail.com


I sell mostly original drawings, made with ink and acrylic on paper. You can find drawings from my animated films and portraits as well. For custom portrait orders, you can reach me at this email address: lesfilmsdelencrier@gmail.com

Thank you and enjoy!
Merci et bonne visite!




J'essaie de donner corps à un certain fantôme qui m'est familier.