
Wandering won the Special Jury Award at the 10th Cinema of the Bayou Festival

There is no place better than Louisiana for a first award! Wandering (Errance) won the Special Jury Award! Look, here's the fish! I am part of the "fish gang" now!

The animation and the sound broke hearts!

Cinema of the Bayou was the nicest festival I ever went. Warm and cheerful!

My trip was one of the most beautiful I never had. I met so much nice people in a few days... I never experienced that before. I danced on Cajun music, I drunk Bourbon, I ate Gumbo and Jumbalaya, and now I feel haunted by Louisiana. I guess I just have to come back, with or without an other film...!


La demoiselle en blanc - recherche / planche - partie 2

La demoiselle en blanc avance toujours à grand pas. Voici un extrait de la partie 2. Je ne sais pas encore si cette planche est finale... À voir...
(Texte de Dominick Parenteau-Lebeuf; Éditions Mécanique générale)



Pour les victimes de l'attentat de Charlie Hebdo, leur famille, leurs amis et leurs collègues; pour la liberté d'expression et de création.


New Orleans, my films and I

My two last animated films, The Filmmaker and Wandering, will be screened at the 10th Cinema on the Bayou Film Festival, at the end of January, 21st to 25th, in Lafayette (Louisiana, U.S.)!  They are both in competition as part of the animated shorts, nine finalists to play on Saturday, Jan. 24th.

This is a U.S. Premiere for both films!

I dream of this place since I am 10 years old. This is the oppoortunity for me to go there, meet people, directors, who knows, and visit FINALLY New Orleans! And of course, I will eat Cajun's food, and listen my favorite music: Blues!

I think it is obvious, I am pretty excited... I danced just before chritmas for the first time on blues. I hope I will be able to dance again there...